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Upgrade Guide (v5)

NextAuth.js version 5 is a complete rewrite of the package, but we made sure to introduce as little breaking changes as possible. For anything else, we summed up the necessary changes in this guide.

Try it out by running:

npm install next-auth@beta

New Features

First, let's see what is new!

  • App Router-first (pages/ still supported).
  • OAuth support on preview deployments: Read more.
  • Simplified set up (shared config, inferred env variables).
  • Fully Edge-compatible, thanks to rewriting on top of Auth.js. Read more.
  • Universal auth(). Remember a single method, and authenticate anywhere. Replaces getServerSession, getSession, withAuth, getToken and useSession in most cases. Read more.

Breaking Changes

  • NextAuth.js now builds on @auth/core with stricter OAuth/OIDC spec-compliance, which might break some existing OAuth providers. See our open issues for more details.
  • OAuth 1.0 support is deprecated.
  • Minimum required Next.js version is now 13.4.
  • The import next-auth/next is replaced. See Authenticating server-side for more details.
  • The import next-auth/middleware is replaced. See Authenticating server-side for more details.
  • The import next-auth/jwt is replaced. See Authenticating server-side for more details.
  • The import next-auth/adapters is replaced. See Authenticating server-side for more details.
  • If you are using a database adapter and passing it additional fields from your provider, the default behaviour has changed. We used to automatically pass on all fields from the provider to the adapter. We no longer pass on all returned fields from your provider(s) to the adapter by default. We listened to the community, and decided to revert this to a similar state as it was in v3. You must now manually pass on your chosen fields in the provider's account callback, if the default is not working for you. See: account() docs.


We worked hard to avoid having to save your config options in a separate file and then pass them around as authOptions throughout your application. To achieve this, we settled on moving the configuration file to the root of the repository and having it export an auth function you can use everywhere else.

An example of the new configuration file format is as follows, as you can see it looks very similar to the existing one.

import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import GitHub from "next-auth/providers/github"

export const {
handlers: { GET, POST },
} = NextAuth({
providers: [GitHub],

This then allows you to import the functions exported from this file elsewhere in your codebase via import statements like one of the following.

import { auth } from "../path-to-config/auth"

The old configuration file, contained in the API Route (pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].ts), now becomes a 1-line handler for GET and POST requests for those paths.

export { GET, POST } from "./auth"
export const runtime = "edge" // optional

Authenticating server-side

NextAuth.js has had a few different ways to authenticate server-side in the past, and we've tried to simplify this as much as possible.

Now that Next.js components are server-first by default, and thanks to the investment in using standard Web APIs, we were able to simplify the authentication process to a single auth() function that you can use anywhere.


When using auth(), the session() callback is ignored. auth() will expose anything returned from the jwt() callback or if using a "database" strategy, from the User. This is because the session() callback was designed to protect you from exposing sensitive information to the client, but when using auth() you are always on the server.

See the table below for a summary of the changes, and click on the links to learn more about each one.

Server ComponentgetServerSession(authOptions)auth() call
MiddlewarewithAuth(middleware, subset of authOptions) wrapperauth export / auth() wrapper
Client ComponentuseSession() hookuseSession() hook
Route HandlerPreviously not supportedauth() wrapper
API Route (Edge)Previously not supportedauth() wrapper
API Route (Node.js)getServerSession(req, res, authOptions)auth(req, res) call
API Route (Node.js)getToken(req) (No session rotation)auth(req, res) call
getServerSidePropsgetServerSession(ctx.req, ctx.res, authOptions)auth(ctx) call
getServerSidePropsgetToken(ctx.req) (No session rotation)auth(req, res) call

Authentication methods

NextAuth.js v4 has supported reading the session in Server Components for a while via getServerSession. This has been also simplified to the same auth() function.

- import { authOptions } from 'pages/api/auth/[...nextauth]'
- import { getServerSession } from "next-auth/next"
+ import { auth } from "../auth"

export default async function Page() {
- const session = await getServerSession(authOptions)
+ const session = await auth()
return (<p>Welcome {session?}!</p>)


Adapter packages

Beginning with next-auth v5, you should now install database adapters from the @auth/*-adapter scope, instead of @next-auth/*-adapter.

This is because Database Adapters don't rely on any Next.js features, so it made sense to move them to this new scope.


- npm install @next-auth/prisma-adapter
+ npm install @auth/prisma-adapter

Check out the Adapters docs for a list of official adapters, or the Create a database adapter guide to learn how to create your own.

Adapter type

The Adapter type is uncommon, unless you are writing your own adapter. If you are using an existing adapter, you can likely ignore this change.

Otherwise, the Adapter type can now be imported from @auth/core/adapters instead of next-auth/adapters.

- import type { Adapter } from "next-auth/adapters"
+ import type { Adapter } from "@auth/core/adapters"

This is because the - previously - NextAuth.js scoped @next-auth/*-adapter database adapters should work in any framework the same way (there is nothing Next.js specific in these adapters), so it was unnecessary to keep this type tied to the next-auth package.

Database Migrations

NextAuth.js v5 does not introduce any breaking changes to the database schema. However, since OAuth 1.0 support is dropped, the already optional oauth_token_secret and oauth_token fields can be removed from the account table, if you are not using them.

Furthermore, previously uncommon fields like GitHub's refresh_token_expires_in fields were required to be added to the account table. This is no longer the case, and you can remove it if you are not using it. If you do, make sure to return it via the new account() callback.

Edge compatibility


If you are using a sufficiently fast and Edge-compatible database ORM/library, you can ignore this section.

NextAuth.js supports two session strategies. When you are using an adapter, you can choose to save the session data into a database. Unless your database and its adapter is compatible with the Edge runtime/infrastructure, you will not be able to use a "database" session strategy.

Most adapters rely on an ORM/library that is not yet compatible with the Edge runtime. So here is how you can work around it, by forcing a JWT session strategy:


The following is only a convention we chose, the filenames/structure have no important meaning, as long as you import the correct files in the correct places.

  1. Create an auth.config.ts file with your config and export it:
import GitHub from "next-auth/providers/github"

import type { NextAuthConfig } from "next-auth"

export default {
providers: [GitHub],
} satisfies NextAuthConfig
  1. Create an auth.ts file and add your adapter there, together with the jwt session strategy:
import NextAuth from "next-auth"
import { PrismaAdapter } from "@auth/prisma-adapter"
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client"
import authConfig from "./auth.config"

const prisma = new PrismaClient()

export const { handlers, auth } = NextAuth({
adapter: PrismaAdapter(prisma),
session: { strategy: "jwt" },
  1. Make sure that Middleware is not using the import with a non-edge compatible adapter:
- export { auth as middleware } from './auth'
+ import authConfig from "./auth.config"
+ import NextAuth from "next-auth"
+ export const { auth: middleware } = NextAuth(authConfig)

That's it! Now you can keep using a database for user data, even if your adapter is not compatible with the Edge runtime yet, by forcing the session strategy to be JWT.

Please follow up with your database/ORM's maintainer to see if they are planning to support the Edge runtime/infrastructure.


  • NextAuthOptions is renamed to NextAuthConfig
  • Adapter from next-auth/adapters is moved to @auth/core/adapters. If you are creating a custom adapter, use @auth/core instead of next-auth.


We hope this migration goes smoothly for everyone! If you have any questions or get stuck anywhere, feel free to create a new issue on GitHub.